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Celia (1989)


Celia (1989)


Ann Turner


 Rebecca SmartNicholas Eadie and Victoria Longley


 Australia | 



An imaginative and somewhat disturbed young girl fantasizes about evil creatures and other oddities to mask her insecurities while growing up in rural Australia.

Pursuit of the Graf Spee (1956)

Pursuit of the Graf Spee(1956) 


Michael PowellEmeric Pressburger


 John GregsonAnthony Quayle and Ian Hunter


 Action | Adventure | Drama | History | War

Country:  UK, 


 English | German (some dialogue) | Spanish

Also Known As:

Graf Spee

Set during the early years of World War II, the War in the Atlantic. The Royal Navy was fighting a desperate battle to keep the convoy routes open to keep the British Isles supplied. One great danger was the surface raiders, huge cruisers called "pocket battleships" that slipped out of German waters just before war was declared. The "Bismarck", The "Scharnhorst", The "Gneissau" and The "Graf Spee" were supplied by tanker & could strike anywhere. This is the story of how 3 lightly armed cruisers with only 6 and 8 inch guns boldly took on a powerful pocket battleship armed with 11 inch guns. They should have been blown out of the water before they could fire a single shot but ...

99 and 44/100% Dead (1974)



John Frankenheimer


Richard HarrisEdmond O'Brien and Bradford Dillman

Elderly mobster Edmond O'Brien hires a hit man to eliminate his rival. There are albino alligators, skillful chase scenes, and Chuck Connors as a one-handed psycho who can fit various deadly weapons on his stumpy arm.

Small Sacrifices (TV 1989)


Director: David Greene
Stars: Farrah FawcettRyan O'Neal and Gordon Clapp

On the 19th of May 1983 Diane Downs stops at the McKenzie-Williamette-Hospital and cries for help. She is wounded on her arm and her three children are also wounded seriously. She says that a stranger shot at them but the investigation of detective Welch bring out that Diane is a liar.

Baby M (TV 1988)

Director: James Steven Sadwith
Starring: JoBeth WilliamsJohn Shea and Bruce Weitz

Which are more important, the rights of a mother to keep the child she loves or the rights of a childless couple who have asked that mother to bear a child for them?
This is just one of the many emotional issues raised in this compelling three-hour drama telling the true story of a child custody battle which became one of the most controversial US court cases of the 1980s.

When Bill and Betsy Stern ask MaryBeth Whitehead to bear a surrogate child for them, it seems a perfect arrangement. But little do they realise that MaryBeth will refuse to surrender her new born daughter. There are no laws governing surrogacy and
when MaryBeth goes on the run with the baby, the Stems are forced into a traumatic court case to fight for custody of the daughter they have grown to love so dearly. But even more crucial are the rights of Baby M herself, a child growing up with two names, two homes, a child torn between two loving families.
Running time 3hours 8 minutes
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